Animal burial

General information

Dead animals are a potential risk to health and hygiene, which is why they usually have to be disposed of in an approved procedure. Owners/keepers are required to hand dead animals over to an approved facility (such as a local collection point, animal disposal service, animal cemetery or pet crematorium).

However, a single pet (dog, cat or other small animal) can be buried on the own/keeper's own property unless there is a risk that it could pass on an infectious disease.


Additional restrictions apply in some Austrian provinces. 

Competent authority

Further information

Weitere Auskünfte zur Tierbestattung können auch bei jeder Amtstierärztin/jedem Amtstierarzt eingeholt werden.  

Certified Translation
Last update: 3 February 2023

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection