Lawn mowing and quiet hours

At what times am I allowed to mow?

When lawn mowing or other noisy activities are permitted can be regulated by the local authorities as a matter for the local safety police. They can, but do not have to, issue local police regulations in this regard and declare non-compliance with the regulations as an administrative offense.

Accordingly, lawn mowing times and quiet periods are regulated by ordinance in many municipalities. In some municipalities, on the other hand, there are no legal regulations, but merely recommendations to the citizens of the municipality that have no legal effect.


Even in municipalities that have not issued a local police ordinance, lawns may not be mowed at all times of the day and night; provincial laws (Landessicherheitsgesetz, Landes-Polizeistrafgesetz etc.) often contain provisions that prohibit, for example, disturbing noise. In addition, there are also provisions in private law that allow property owners to defend themselves against excessive noise under certain conditions.

Below you will find the information on lawn mowing – broken down by federal state – that the Editorial Staff received from the municipalities on request. This information is not updated on an ongoing basis.

Not certified tanslation
Last update: 1 January 2023

Responsible for the content: Editorial Staff