Certificate of marriageability

General information

In case of a marriage abroad, the authority responsible for marriages there may require a certificate of fitness to marry. The certificate of fitness to marriage, issued by the competent civil registry office in Austria attests, that there are no impediments to the solemnisation of a marriage.


Through agreements with Germany, Italy and Switzerland, the foreign registry office can also obtain the certificate of fitness to marry directly from the responsible registry office in Austria. You should ask the registry office which documents are required in your individual case.

Before the planned marriage, the responsible registry office in Austria should always be contacted, for example to clarify the name usage in marriage.


In order to get married, you have to be eligible to marry. There must also be no marriage ban for the person concerned.


The issue of a certificate of fitness to marry should be applied for at the earliest six months before the desired wedding date, as it is only valid for a maximum of six months.

Competent authority

Every civil status authority throughout Austria:


An application must be submitted to the registry office to issue a certificate of fitness to marry. As with a registration for marriage you have to appear in person.

The registrar, through an oral interview and examination of the presented documents and evidence,

A record of the determination of fitness to marry will then be prepared. After the investigation has ended, the registrar will issue a certificate of fitness to marry.

Required documents

If someone Austrian is single and has full legal capacity:

  • Official photo ID
  • If the birth is not certified or registered domestically: a document corresponding to a copy from the birth register,
  • the birth certificate, if the birth took place in Germany, for possible subsequent recording in the Central Civil Status Register (ZPR)
  • Proof of their citizenship
  • If the main residence is abroad: proof of primary residence
  • Possibly documentary proof of academic degree
  • Further documents or evidence upon request 

If someone was already married or in a registered partnership: :

  • Marriage certificate of the last marriage or the partnership certificate of the last registered partnership
  • Proof of dissolution, annulment or divorce of the previous marriage (decision or judgement with valid confirmation of legal force  – legal force stamp!),  judgement on the dissolution of the previous registered partnership
  • Death certificate of the spouse
  • Death certificate of the registered partner
  • In the case of a foreign decision on dissolution or annulment, the court decision on recognition confirmed by res judicata, unless the Brussels II b Regulation is applicable

If someone has a child or children in common

For 16 to 18 year olds additionally:

  • Declaration of legal capacity by the court (with valid confirmation of legal force – legal force stamp!)
  • Consent of the legal guardians or corresponding court order

Anyone who is not present at the registration of the marriage notices will also need the form "Declaration to determine the eligibility to marry", which is available at every registry office.

You can find out from the responsible authority in your home country which documents are specifically required to issue a marriage certificate if you have foreign citizenship.

Costs and fees

  • For the procedure for determining marriage eligibility: EUR 50
  • Presentation of foreign documents: EUR 130

Legal basis

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 25 June 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of the Interior