Voting eligibility for elections to the European Parliament

All those who meet the following conditions are eligible to vote in elections to the European Parliament:

  • those who have Austrian citizenship or non-Austrian EU citizens whose main residence  is located in Austria,
  • are 16 years old at the latest on the day of the election,
  • who have not been disqualified from voting in Austria or have not lost their voting eligibility in their Member State of origin as a result of a civil or criminal law decision in an individual case and
  • are listed in the European electral register of an Austrian municipality on the date of the election.

Austrian citizens with a main domestic residence are automatically entered in the European electoral register. Austrian citizens whose main residence is located abroad (‘Austrians abroad’), as well as non-Austrian EU citizens whose main residence is located in Austria, must submit a request to be entered in the European electoral register.

Austrians abroad

Austrian citizens whose main residence is located abroad (Austrians abroad) are entitled to participate in elections to the European Parliament in Austria and to elect the members if tge Austrian European Parliament. This requires entry in the European electoral register in Austria.

Each Austrian abroad whose main residence is located in a Member State of the European Union is entitled to submit a vote to select the Austrian Members of the European Parliament or the representatives of his/her host country. For electing Austrian Members, a formal declaration must be made when requesting entry in the European electoral register.

Further information on the entry of Austrians abroad in the European electoral register can be found at

Other EU citizens with main residence in Austria

Other EU citizens whose main residence is located in Austria may also choose whether they wish to vote to select the Austrian Members of the European Parliament or the representatives of their Member State of origin. You must be entered in the European electoral register in Austria in order to vote to select the Austrian Members. This application must be accompanied by a formal declaration that you wish to vote to elect the Austrian Members of the European Parliament.

Further information on the entry of other EU citizens with main residence in Austria in the European electoral register can also be found at

Only eligible voters whose names are included in the closed electoral roll may participate in an election. You are entitled to view the electoral roll prior to the election during a specific viewing period and, if necessary, submit a request for correction. Further information on the registration of eligible voters (electoral register, electoral roll) can be found at

For elections to the European Parliament, voting is also possible using a voting card at any polling station or by way of postal voting. If required, a visit from a special electoral authority (‘flying electoral commission’) can also be requested.

Austrian citizens whose main residence is located abroad (who are entered in the electoral register of an Austrian municipality upon request) and persons who are only staying abroad temporarily have the option of voting from abroad by postal vote.

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 8 May 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of the Interior