General information about the System for Recording Driving Offences

The system for recording driving offences (measures against reckless drivers) lists 14 risk-encumbered recordable offences (Vormerkdelikte). These are in addition to the existing offences for which a person may have their driving licence suspended (Führerscheinentzugsdelikte) and administrative offences.

The system for recording driving offences applies to all drivers in Austria, irrespective of their place of residence.

If a recordable offence is committed, the following procedure is applied:

Administrative fines must always be paid, irrespective of whether the offence is recorded, measures are to be taken or the driving licence is suspended.

Recordable offences

The first time a driver commits a recordable offence this will be recorded in the national driver licence database (Führerscheinregister) where it will remain for two years. Provided the driver does not commit any further offences within that two-year period, it will no longer count.

If, however, another recordable offence is entered within the two-year period, the probationary period will extend to three years, including for the first offence.


If a driver commits two recordable offences within two years, the authorities must impose measures.

The list below sets out the kinds of measures that could be taken and by which organisations:

  • Additional driver training (6-part course):
    • Authorised driving training centres
  • Courses to improve your driving:
    • Driving schools
  • Road safety training:
    • Automobile clubs
    • Driving schools
  • Lectures and seminars on securing loads in vehicles:
    • Driving schools
    • Automobile clubs
    • Further/higher education institutions, that operate for chambers or interest groups
    • Accident insurers
  • Training on keeping children safe in vehicles:
    • Driving schools
    • Austrian Federation of Driving Schools (Fachverband der Fahrschulen)
    • Automobile clubs
    • Road safety organisations
    • Organisations that provide psychological assessments and additional training for drivers


If a driver fails to attend a mandatory training course when requested, their licence will be suspended until such time as they complete the required course.

Course fees must be paid by the licence-holder.

Driving licence suspension

If a driver commits a third recordable offence within a probationary period, their licence will be suspended for at least three months.

Drivers who are not Austrian nationals will be banned from driving in Austria after a third recordable offence


If a driver commits an offence leading to suspension of their driving licence while they have one or more current offences on their licence, the length of the suspension will be extended by two weeks for each offence.

Further links

Legal basis

Certified translation
Last update: 11 April 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology