Notification of death

Current information on recording a death, deadline for notification of death, right to issue a death certificate of a register extract death etc.

General information

Once the death has been recorded by a doctor, the notification of death must be carried out at the registry office. Here you will also be issued with a death certificate or the death register excerpt.

The person responsible for reporting the death to the relevant authorities is described in the "procedure" section.


For more information about "Issuing a death certificate/international death certificate" and "Death register excerpts" go to


  • The death has already been recorded by a doctor
  • The "Notification of death" form (and the enclosed "Verification of death certificate") is available


The notification of death must be carried out no later than the next working day.

Competent authority

The civil status authority responsible for the place of death (e.g. the location of the hospital or nursing home):


The notification of death must be carried out at the registry office. The following have a legal duty to notify the death, in the order shown:

  • The manager of the hospital where the person has died
  • The doctor who has recorded the death
  • The agency or police office investigating the death
  • The spouse, registered partner or other relative
  • The most recent provider of accommodation
  • Other people who are aware of the death on the basis of their own perception

The person who notifiy the death must prove their legitimacy by means of an identification card (preferably official photo official photo ID). The registry office must receive the "Notification of death" and the enclosed "Verification of death certificate" issued by the doctor who recorded the death.


To clarify the procedure, please contact the competent registry office in advance.

The entry in the central civil register (ZPR) is undertaken by the registrar.

Once the death has been entered in the central civil register, the registrar issues the death certificate.

Required documents

Costs and fees

  • Notification of death: No fee
  • Issuing a death certificate or a death register excerpt:
    • Federal fee: 7,20 Euro
    • Federal administration: 2,10 Euro
  • Verification of death certificate (for social security): No fee

Further information

If you require an additional death certificate or a death register excerpt (e.g. a copy in the event of loss or theft), you can submit a request to each registry office.

The following have a right to the issuance of a death certificate or a death register excerpt:

Provided there are no overriding personal interests that conflict with the registration, the following can request a death register excerpt:

  • People to whom the entry refers, as well as other people whose civil status is affected by the entry
  • People who have a legal interest in the entry, which can be substantiated

Link to form

Online-Service Death Notification via

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 29 April 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of the Interior