Parking cards for people with disabilities in accordance with Section 29b of the StVO

General information

With a parking card under Section 29b of the StVO (Straßenverkehrsordnung), you are allowed to stop in certain places to get in or out of the car or load and unload mobility aids such as wheelchairs:

  • on streets where stopping or parking is prohibited by road signs
  • parallel to a car parked next to the kerb.

You are also allowed to park in the following places:

  • on streets where parking is prohibited by road signs or markings
  • in short-term parking zones but without a time limit
  • in pedestrian zones, but only during vehicle delivery access times
  • in disabled parking spaces.

If you use these parking privileges, you must display the parking card in the vehicle so that it is clearly visible in the windscreen, and if you use the stopping privileges, you must show the parking card on request.


Parking charges are set by the municipalities. In most provinces, however, parking is free of charge for holders of a parking card for people with disabilities in accordance with Section 29b of the StVO.
These provisions also apply to vehicle drivers if they are transporting a disabled person who holds a parking card.

A parking card under Section 29b of the StVO also serves as evidence of a disability for:


Since 1 January 2014, to obtain such a parking card, a disabled person’s pass issued by the Sozialministeriumservice is required, with an additional entry stating the following: ‘Unable to use public transport because of a permanent restriction of mobility due to a disability’.

Competent authority

Since 1 January 2014, the SozialministeriumserviceGerman text has been responsible for issuing parking cards.

  • Parking cards that were issued before 1 January 2001 are no longer valid after 31 December 2015. You must apply for a new parking card from the Sozialministeriumservice.
  • Parking cards that were issued after 1 January 2001 remain valid.


An application must be submitted by the person concerned or their legal representative.

Required documents

Further information

An Austrian parking card can also be used in other EU Member States under certain conditions. For this purpose, a multilingual leaflet provided by the Sozialministeriumservice can be displayed behind the windscreen next to your parking card. Before travelling, however, it is advisable to find out about the parking concessions in your holiday destination and whether the Austrian parking card – designed according to the european model – is recognised.

Anyone who is resident in an EU country other than Austria and has a parking card for people with disabilities from that country can also use the relevant parking privileges in Austria. The appearance of parking cards is standardised in accordance with a recommendation from the Council of the European Union; parking cards issued in other EU countries are valid in Austria.

Related links

Legal basis

Link to form

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 5 August 2024
Responsible for the content:
  • Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
  • Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection