Taking a firearm to Austria from another EU country, Switzerland or Liechtenstein as part of a trip


In the case of State Police Departments it is recommended to make an appointment online if you have to go to the authorities.

Firearms may be brought into Austria by individuals residing in another EU, member state, as part of a trip (holiday or business), and owned within Austria, under the following conditions:

  • the firearms must be registered in the European Firearm Passport of the individual and
  • the importation of firearms must have been previously approved by the competent authority in the area where the intended stay is to occur, which may be the District Administrative Authority, Magistrate, or the State Police Department.

The application can also be submitted to the Austrian diplomatic or consular mission responsible for the centre of life relations.

Do not require a permit

  • Hunters and re-enactors of historical events for up to five firearms of categories B and C, excluding handguns, and specific ammunition and
  • sports shooters for up to five firearms of categories B or C as well as firearms pursuant to Section 17 paragraph 1 items 7 and 8 Weapons Act and ammunition intended for this purpose,

provided that these firearms are registered in an European Firearm Passport issued by their country of residence and the individual can demonstrate the purpose of their trip, whether it is for a specific hunting or sporting activity or participation in a historical re-enactment. Proof of the purpose of the trip must be carried.


The European Firearms Passport does not authorise to purchase and carry firearms.

Further links

Austrian representation authorities abroad (→ BMEIA)German text

Legal basis

Waffengesetz 1996

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 2 May 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of the Interior