(Permanent) transfer of firearms within the EU
In the case of State Police Departments it is recommended to make an appointment online if you have to go to the authorities.
The transportation of a firearm is considered as any cross-border movement within EU member states that does not involve carrying as part of a journey. For example, the transfer of a firearm to a non-EU country is considered a transfer.
If provisions of the Weapons Act refer to EU member states, these also apply to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
For the export of firearms or ammunition from Austria to another EU member state, Switzerland, or Liechtenstein, the Firearms Authority (State Police Department or District Authority or the Magistrate) can issue an export permit upon request. Transfer permits may only be issued if:
- the owner of the firearms or ammunition is allowed to possess them in Austria and
- any necessary prior consent from the recipient state is available.
If firearms or ammunition are imported from an EU member state, Switzerland, or Liechtenstein to Austria, the Firearms Authority can grant the necessary permit prior consent upon request. A prerequisite for granting the permit is that the owner is entitled to possess these firearms or ammunition in Austria.
Foreign trade law
For the transfer (supply) of defence goods from the federal territory to a recipient in another EU member state, an authorization is required due to the Foreign Trade Act 2011 (AußWG 2011). For supply of goods to Switzerland and Liechtenstein as third countries, it is not necessary to apply for a transfer permit, but rather an export permit.
In the Second Foreign Trade Ordinance 2019 (2nd AußWV 2019), all goods on the European Union's Common Military Equipment List are defined as defence goods (e.g. pistols, rifles, ammunition), unless they are covered by the War Material Act (KMG).
Further links
Export control online (→ BMAW)German text
Legal basis
- Waffengesetz 1996
- Außenwirtschaftsgesetz 2011
- Zweite Außenwirtschaftsverordnung 2019 (2. AußWV 2019)
- Directive 2009/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 simplifying the conditions for intra-Community transfers of defence goods
- Federal Ministry of the Interior
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy