Matrimonial property regime in the case of a connection to another country

Since 29 January 2019, harmonised EU rules on the property regimes of international couples who are married or in registered partnerships have been in place in Austria and some other EU Member States.

For marriages that took place outside the EU or before 29 January 2019, under Austrian international private law the matrimonial property regime must be assessed in accordance with the law,

  • expressly determined by the parties,
  • or, in the absence of such a choice of law, in accordance with the law governing the personal legal effects of the marriage at the time of the marriage ceremony.

Further information on matrimonial property regimes Austria (→ e-Justice Portal) can also be found in English on the website of the European e-justice portal.

Information on the national rules of other countries in this regard (international private law) can be provided by the respective diplomatic representations in Austria (→ BMEIA).

Further links

Legal basis

Sections 16, 17, 18 of the IPR-Gesetz

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 1 January 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Justice