The delivery − in hospital, as an outpatient or at home


The information on the page applies to all births in Austria.

In hospital as an in-patient

You should register with the maternity ward of your choice as soon as possible so that they can reserve a bed for the birth. When you register, you should also find out what you will need to bring with you for your stay in hospital


Since 1 January 2017, new mothers have been entitled to arrange daily visits from a midwife between the day on which they are discharged from hospital and the fifth day following the birth, and to claim the cost of these visits from their health insurers.

In hospital as an outpatient

Having your baby as an outpatient can combine the benefits of a hospital birth with those of a home birth. If you choose to give birth in hospital as an outpatient, you will give birth on the maternity ward and – assuming no complications arise – be discharged from hospital within a few hours. At home, you will receive follow-up support from your midwife and paediatrician.

If you want to give birth as an outpatient, there are a few things you need to organise in advance:

  • As soon as you know you are pregnant, choose a midwife and a paediatrician to support you during and after your pregnancy.
  • If you are attending an antenatal course, the course organisers will be able to provide you with all the information you need about giving birth.
  • Register with the maternity ward of your choice in good time before you are due to give birth.

Follow-up care is particularly important for outpatient births. The midwife will support you for at least five days following the birth and your paediatrician will visit you at home to examine your baby.

Home births

If you want to give birth at home, you should discuss your plans with your doctor. When deciding whether to proceed with a home birth, you should take your living conditions and family circumstances into account. If you decide to go ahead with a home birth, you should find a midwife who will support you during your pregnancy, the birth itself and the period immediately afterwards (post-partum).

Further links

Certified Translation
Last update: 26 July 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection