Education up to the age of 18

Current information on AusBildung bis 18, compulsory education, vocational training and education advice, youth coaching, sandwich vocational training

Education and training are the key to a secure future for young people. Compared to other countries, Austria has a low youth unemployment rate. Extending the period of compulsory education to 18 under the AusBildung bis 18 scheme is a significant contribution towards improving the qualifications of young people and lowering youth unemployment.

Once they complete their nine years of compulsory education, most young people start apprenticeship training or continue attending school. Only a few of them (about 5,000 young people per year before compulsory education until 18 was introduced) do not complete any further education or training. However, young people with training beyond compulsory schooling are less likely to be at risk of unemployment, are less likely to be in unskilled work, and have a better chance of finding well-paid work.

In light of this, the Compulsory Training Act (Ausbildungspflichtgesetz) was introduced to tie compulsory training to compulsory schooling in 2016. All young people under the age of 18 who have completed compulsory schooling and are permanently resident in Austria are now required to pursue education or training thereafter. This obligation is valid until they reach the age of 18 , or until the they successfully complete further education or training. Failure to engage in further education and training until the age of 18 carries the ultimate threat of an administrative penalty, as does failure to attend school.

It is particularly important that a wide variety of interesting and suitable options for education and training are available, as well as sufficient training places for young people and comprehensive information for parents and guardians. AusBildung bis 18 is about providing the best possible support for young people, parents and guardians. With this in mind, the education and training, advice and care services are being continually expanded and developed.

As part of the "AusBildung bis 18" programme, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy cooperates with the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Chancellery, as well as with the provinces, social security bodies and other stakeholders.

Further links

The "AusBildung bis 18" platform (→ BMAW)

Certified Translation
Last update: 14 May 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy